Deze workshop is toegevoegd aan je 'favorieten'. Als je naar de inschrijfpagina gaat, kan je jouw 'favorieten' herkennen aan het hartje naast de workshops. Dan kan je beslissen…


Ready, set, play! – Jefta Tanate

Do you dare to let go of the ground beneath your feet? Through partner work and guided improvisations you learn to gain control of your body in the air. It is not about taking risks or aiming for unreachable heights, but about lifting yourself up to a higher level – both literally and figuratively. You learn to play your body as a physical instrument with flexibility and strength. For two days, your senses and consciousness will be stimulated in this workshop by Jefta Tanate, a playful mix of floor work, contact improvisation, martial arts and circus.

Jefta Tanate graduated from the ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Arnhem. His internship at Scapino Ballet Rotterdam launched him into the dance world of the Netherlands. Since then he has mastered several techniques and methods such as contact improvisation, martial arts and circus, skills he was able to develop further with companies such as Maas TD and Arch8. Nowadays he works mainly as a freelancer creating very versatile work: from outdoor performances to tours with companies such as Panama Pictures, where the aspect of circus is increasingly being incorporated into his work.

Vrij 23/08
Zat 24/08

Taal: en

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