Deze workshop is toegevoegd aan je 'favorieten'. Als je naar de inschrijfpagina gaat, kan je jouw 'favorieten' herkennen aan het hartje naast de workshops. Dan kan je beslissen…
Imagine that we could create a fantastic stage piece without even one rehearsal. Imagine that several bodies – all completely different in age, shape, gender, culture, background – could create a wonderful play together without knowing each other. Imagine that not only the play, but also the lighting, sound, costumes and props would be improvised. And imagine that all these elements would talk to and with the bodies of both the performers and the audience … What a wonderful way that would be to celebrate the times we live in!
This four-day workshop with a performance on Saturday evening, is a great creation lab, with room for experimentation and for in-depth study of the present time on stage. The focus is on the analysis of instant composition. The trainers of Si Los Martes Fueran Viernes ensure that everyone can feel the richness and emancipating power of creation in the moment. For them, being on stage is not just something for professional performers, but for everyone.
Si Los Martes Fueran Viernes (If Tuesdays were Fridays) is a house of improvisation, a space where stage performances are created through instant composition. The platform emerged in Barcelona in October 2018 with the goal of gathering a community around the study and practice of instant composition. More than 150 artists from different countries have worked there and participated in their productions. Si Los Martes Fueran Viernes is co-directed by Valentina Azzati and Milagros García Salgueiro..
Woe 21/08
Do 22/08
Vrij 23/08
Zat 24/08
Taal: en