To attend one of Rachel’s classes is to experience pure magic. As a producer of physical theatre, not only does she perform but she also works with people who are unable to speak. This combination has resulted in a unique method in which she aims for the purest forms of movement.
Not through technique but rather through sound, movement and contact. The magic word is ‘feeling’. Keen to discover the boundaries of dance? In need of a solid basis for dance improvisations and partner work? Or perhaps you work with groups of people who need a lot of empathy? Participants with both creative and educational backgrounds will get a lot out of this workshop, which shines a whole new light on the idea of ‘moving together’.
Rachel Porter produces physical theatre. She is a performer who runs her own company, Tiger’s Bride. In addition to her acting career, Rachel holds a Master’s degree in Drama & Movement Therapy from The Sesame Institute. As a therapist, she carries out pioneering work in the area of pre-linguistic communication.
She also teaches students at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and students attending the Gestural Arts / Performing Arts programme. Rachel is the co-founder of Feral Theatre.