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Gyrokinesis® Essentials and Ballet – Libby Farr

Discover your body completely and dive into the principles of ballet by using Gyrokinesis®. Using the Gyrokinesis® technique, you will discover the role your spine plays in the alignment of your body and how to open up the spaces in your joints. Each day the focus shifts: first on the lumbar spine, then the chest, then the neck.

With this renewed openness in our bodies we enter a ballet class aimed at dancers and movers who want to observe there body, using Gyrokinesis® and ballet as a tool to explore their movement potential. The class will start on a chair to experience the spine etc. and continues with barre work to prepare for what will be explored in the center, focusing on the seven basic movements of ballet. The aim is to find more ease, efficiency and flow in movement.

Libby Farr came to Berlin in 1982 to dance at the Deutsche Oper. She then continued to do projects and teach at TanzTheatre Weimar, Ballet Pretty Ugly, PARTS in Brussels, SEAD in Austria, Rosas, Pina Bausch, Cullberg Ballet and Ballet Prejlocaj, among others. She is a certified teacher of Gyrokinesis®, a technique that helps decompress the spine. For Libby, it was a revelation that “saved and awakened her body”.

For dancers with a basic foundation in classical dance.



Sat 24/08
Sun 25/08

Taal: en


Danspunt uses the principle of Pay what you can. You choose how much you pay: the suggested contribution, the support rate or the reduction rate.

Suggested rate: € 110

Support rate: € 130

Reduction rate: € 90